Fort Lauderdale Restoration Expert - Mold Remediation


Fort Lauderdale Restoration Expert Fort Lauderdale, FL 954-363-0411The last thing you want to see in your property is mold. With a notorious reputation, this fungus can contaminate your property, damaging it, and leading to excessive losses. Most are oblivious to the fact that there’s mold thriving in their home, chiefly because in most cases, it remains hidden from plain sight and usually loves cramped spaces such as the wall cavities or exists underneath the flooring. If you fear there’s mold in your property, the more you sit around debating your choices, the greater is the damage done. Call in Fort Lauderdale Restoration Expert on 954-363-0411 for testing and remediation and bid your mold problems goodbye forever.

Inspection and testing:

If you can spot mold growing and you can measure the extent of its growth easily, don’t let anyone in Fort Lauderdale, FL area trick you into opting for a testing. Only in cases where you suspect there’s mold but see no outward signs of it do our experts carry out testing in three different ways:

  • Surface testing: We take samples from surfaces to find the amount of mold spores deposited, which is then tested in a laboratory.

  • Air testing: Air sampling can yield the concentration of mold spores present in your property, and the same is examined under a microscope.

  • Bulk testing: This involves collecting pieces of materials and then doing a lab exam to identify the type and concentration of the mold.

After confirmation, Fort Lauderdale Restoration Expert then uses a combination of infra-red sensors, moisture detectors and fiber optic cameras to look for the hidden mold, and map it out to enable us to target our remediation efforts in the area.

Remediation and cleaning:

Getting rid of mold isn’t as simple as it seems. Your household cleaners and bleach won’t get rid of it and disposing the affected material or painting over the walls to hide it isn’t a viable option either. Our remediation process is split three ways:

  • Disposing materials: Some materials like the paper on the dry wall or even carpets may prove impossible to restore and are discarded in a safe manner.

  • Air purification: Mold may leave behind a musty smell, which a simple clean up may not remove. We use air filters and blowers to weed out excessive mold spores from the property.

  • Surface cleaning: In places where mold is found growing, we use EPA-approved chemicals to cleanse it and thoroughly dry the vicinity to prevent a recurrence.

Restoration and prevention:

After the last traces of mold are wiped out, there’s a trail of destruction it leaves behind that needs to be addressed if you want your property to look as good as it did. Also, without taking proactive measures to prevent mold, you can expect a recurrence any time in the near future.

  • Restoration: Your property might need a fresh coat of paint, and there might be a few items such as your furniture or wall that needs restoration.

  • Reconstruction: While unnecessary in most cases, there could be a possibility that your problems may have aroused due to poor ventilation, which warrant small changes in your home’s layout.

  • Prevention: We make sure we cut off any sources of water, and also to be doubly sure, we can add mold-resistant materials and paints with fungicide to prevent a recurrence.

Facing a mold problem in Fort Lauderdale, FL area?  We’ll get rid of it! Dial 954-363-0411!